This is a photo of a class from the Omaha Train School, located on 6th and Pine. The Train School was where a lot of Italian children of Omaha were educated. Josephine Lomeier brought us the picture, telling us the story of Bell Cathro, who she…
This page in the daybook includes poems and songs.
Benjamin Franklin Thomas worked as an elephant tamer for the Van Amburgh Circus in the mid nineteenth-century. He wrote in his daybook regularly when he travelled.
Benjamin Franklin Thomas worked as an elephant tamer for the Van Amburgh Circus in the mid nineteenth-century. He wrote in his daybook regularly when he travelled.
This daybook page has a list of people and their birthday.
Benjamin Franklin Thomas worked as an elephant tamer for the Van Amburgh Circus in the mid nineteenth-century. He wrote in his daybook regularly when he travelled.
This portion of Benjamin Franklin Thomas's daybook documents the distance traveled daily and the locations of the Van Amburgh Circus in May, June, July, and August of 1860.
Benjamin Franklin Thomas worked as an elephant tamer for the Van Amburgh…
This portion of Benjamin Franklin Thomas's Daybook documents the distance traveled daily and the locations of the Van Amburgh Circus in April and May of 1860.
Benjamin Franklin Thomas worked as an elephant tamer for the Van Amburgh Circus in…
This portion of Benjamin Franklin Thomas's Daybook contains miscellaneous notes and the distance traveled daily as well as the locations of the Van Amburgh Circus in 1860.
Benjamin Franklin Thomas worked as an elephant tamer for the Van…
Benjamin Franklin Thomas worked as an elephant tamer for the Van Amburgh Circus in the mid nineteenth-century. He wrote in his daybook regularly when he travelled. This item was contributed at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln spring 2014 History…