Timber Claim Receipt And Cover Letter, July 15, 1898
Timber Claim Receipt And Cover Letter, July 15, 1898
The Timber Claim Receipt sent to A.H. Hauptmann on July 16, 1898 certified that he paid the $4.00 (about a $100 today) for the 160 acres of land he had to use to plant trees on. Passed in 1873, The Timber Culture Act provided up to 160 acres of land to farmers for planting trees to better the land for cultivation and increase the rainfall in the western parts of the Great Plains. Most often, however, the Timber Claim allowed homesteaders to secure another section of land, leading to the repeal of the act in 1891. Yet the amendments allowed the act to survive into the 1898, as these documents testify.
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Betty Wilberger, Nebraska City History Harvest, 2010
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Logan County (Kan.)
Timber claim receipt
4 – 148
Final Receiver's Receipt No. 1946 Application No. 13957
Act of June 14, 1878.
Receiver's Office, W. A. Keeney, Kansas Jul 15, 1898
Received of Albert H. Hauptmann the sum
of Four dollars __ cents being the
balance of payment required by law for the timber culture entry of the
South East Quarter of section 4 in township 11 S of range 36216(?), P meridian Kas
containing 160 acres, under the act of June 14, 1878,
entitled "An Act to amend the act 'An act to encourage the growth of timber on the western
W.E. Saum K receiver
90/100 testimony fee received. Number of written words 600 Rate
per 100 words 15 cents.
Probate judge 10 C ref (?)
4 – 148
Final Receiver's Receipt No. 1946 Application No. 13957
Act of June 14, 1878.
Receiver's Office, W. A. Keeney, Kansas Jul 15, 1898
Received of Albert H. Hauptmann the sum
of Four dollars __ cents being the
balance of payment required by law for the timber culture entry of the
South East Quarter of section 4 in township 11 S of range 36216(?), P meridian Kas
containing 160 acres, under the act of June 14, 1878,
entitled "An Act to amend the act 'An act to encourage the growth of timber on the western
W.E. Saum K receiver
90/100 testimony fee received. Number of written words 600 Rate
per 100 words 15 cents.
Probate judge 10 C ref (?)
Office of A. J. Anderson,
Probate Judge of Logan County
Russell Springs, Logan Country, Kansas, July 16th, 1898
A.H. Hauptmann
Julian (?) Neb
Dear Sir
Find enclosed your final receipt on your Timber claim which has been hanging fire for some cause and only got in today Please acknowledge receipt of same & oblige yours respectfully
A. J. Anderson
Probate Judge of Logan County
Russell Springs, Logan Country, Kansas, July 16th, 1898
A.H. Hauptmann
Julian (?) Neb
Dear Sir
Find enclosed your final receipt on your Timber claim which has been hanging fire for some cause and only got in today Please acknowledge receipt of same & oblige yours respectfully
A. J. Anderson
Original Format
“Timber Claim Receipt And Cover Letter, July 15, 1898,” History Harvest, accessed March 17, 2025, https://historyharvest.unl.edu./items/show/107.